Ocean Cove Seafood
When it comes to sustainability, we believe it is not enough to work for healthy fish stocks and a pristine natural environment and to reduce our impact upon the earth - we believe that any comprehensive sustainability policy has to take into account all of those things plus the sustainability of the human populations that depend on the fish as well.
Sustainability to us means supporting our human communities by producing food from sustainable sources in a way that is at maximum harmony with the natural environment, so that future generations can rely on high quality seafood.
Our sustainability policy is based upon the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization's Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. This Code is the basis for Alaska's sustainability efforts as well as most of the sustainability schemes in use today.
Alaska salmon has 3rd party sustainability certification through Global Trust. Global Trust is inspected against the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards by an independent accreditation body to ensure the program is administered properly. With ISO accreditation, this certification joins the ranks of globally recognized food assurance programs with ISO certification such as BRC Global Standard, GlobalGap, Safe Quality Food, and GAA Best Aquaculture Practice and Organic Standard.
The Lee's Ocean Cove Fish is flown and processed daily to maintain the best quality and freshness available. "If you want it any fresher, you'll have to catch it yourself!"