Meet the Team: Lindsay

Aug 23, 2022, 3:00:00 PM

Let's talk with Lindsay, your friend at Lee's in Heber!

Lindsay, Heber Non Foods Manager

Lindsay has worked at Lee's for 15 years and is currently the Non Foods Manager in Heber. She loves working in this department because she gets to oversee all of the seasonal and decorative sets. She said that since there isn't a set way of doing it all, it is like a puzzle- once it's all done it's very gratifying and very beautiful. Something interesting about her is that she loves to detail cars!

Lindsay won the Gold Cart award this year at Lee's Night of Excellence, which signifies excellence in all core values (quality, clean, friendly, honesty, and team). Lindsay puts her heart into things that she's passionate about. "My job and Lee's family is very important to me," she shared, "It was nice to see that my love for it all doesn't go unnoticed."

It certainly doesn't go unnoticed in our Heber store. Lindsay does a fantastic job of going out of her way for our team and for our guests, and we appreciate all she does. As stated by her store director,

"We cannot say enough great things about Lindsay. She truly exemplifies what is means to be a Lee's Team Member. All the guests love her and when she is not around everyone misses her personality. During the pandemic craziness she was always seeking ways to help wherever she could."